Productivity tips for Software Developers


Numerous rewards come with being a productive developer, including greater income, enhanced popularity among peers, and internal happiness.

The more quickly the coder works, the better it is for the company especially the ones that are fighting competition.

-1-Get enough rest and proper sleep.

In my experience the most crucial factor in productivity is having proper sleep,it’s the best way

To Reduce stress and improve your mood and to Think more clearly and do better in school and at work

You can easily and significantly reduce your productivity if you don’t get enough sleep. Not to add, getting inadequate sleep can harm both your physical and mental health.

-2-Reduce distractions

Coding challenges and bug fixes always requires you to keep your focus intact.

It will take you roughly between 10 and 15 minutes to regain attention if you are side-tracked.

-3-Write tests

Even while creating tests requires an initial investment of your time and effort, doing so pays off over time.

Each well-written test protects you from breaking your code and have less bugs This lets you move quickly to other tasks and not being stuck debugging complex bugs that could makes more stressed and not effective.

-4-work with an Agile Methodology like Scrum

When Agile is well implemented in a project, it empowers team members with unparalleled flexibility because Agile divides the project in short sprints that are both manageable and flexible enough to allow the team to implement changes on short notice.

Scrum will lower the risks and will improve team morale.

-5-using Use Code Snippets

if you find yourself doing the same task repeatedly you may consider using code snippets they are an excellent tool to accelerate development.

You can find some snippets for each widely used IDE, language, and framework


If you are a software developer who is coding on daily basis You are already aware of true the value of productivity and by following these productivity tips You’ll be able to work more effectively

When working on projects, do you actually consider productivity? In such case, what productivity tips do you have? Fell free to contact and tell us.

About the author

Badran Yahyaoui

Hello! I’m Badran, diligent & dedicated software engineer with 5+ years experience in financial & marketing applications .

By Badran Yahyaoui

Badran Yahyaoui

Hello! I’m Badran, diligent & dedicated software engineer with 5+ years experience in financial & marketing applications .

About me

Hello! I’m Badran, diligent & dedicated software engineer with 5+ years experience in financial & marketing applications .
I am passionate about building excellent application that improves the lives of those around me. I specialize in creating softwares & applications for clients ranging from individuals and small-businesses all the way to large enterprise corporations.
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